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Tree of Life 2.0

Achieve a better life and build a better world!


What is Tree of Life?

The Tree of Life is a powerful symbol that transcends cultures and traditions, representing growth, wisdom, and interconnectedness. In many cultures, the Tree of Life is believed to be a source of knowledge and enlightenment, offering guidance and wisdom to those who seek it. 


The Tree of Life shares all the great ideas about life, including the 4 most important aspects of life: health, wealth, wisdom, and happiness.


From the Tree of Life, you can easily view the big picture of life and find what you need to improve your life.


Watch the following video to have better understanding of the Tree of Life.


The Tree of Life

What is a balanced life?

The root of the Tree of Life is a truly balanced life.


A truly balanced life is not just a work-life balance, but a balance among the 4 most important aspects of life: Health, Wealth, Wisdom and Fun. They are very important for a purposeful and happy life.


We have limited time and money, we can only do limited things. The good news is that there are activities that have synergies with different aspects of life.


Watch the following video to have better understanding of a truly balanced life.


A Truly Balanced Life

How to live a healthy life?

Health is represented by the colour of green. It means life, vitality and energy!


A healthy life means both physically, mentally, and socially healthy. 


Health can easily be ignored by people.


About 10% of people in the US or Canada have diabetes;


About 20% of people in the US or Canada have mental health issues;


And less than 50% of marriages in the US or Canada are healthy and happy.


Live a Healthy Life

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How to live a financially worry-free life?

Wealth is represented by the colour of yellow. It means gold, money and power!


To be financially worry-free is critical to your health and happiness.


There are many different terms to describe a financially worry-free life:


Financial freedom; Financial independence and retire early, or “FIRE”.


Lack of financial literacy and personal finance knowledge causes many people living paycheque by paycheque, and don’t have the freedom to retire and enjoy a better life.


About 40% of people in Canada worry about money, and 40% of US households have faced financial problems.


Live a Financially Worry-free Life

Best Wealth Solutions

How to live a wise life?

Wisdom is represented by the colour of blue. It means knowledge, understanding and intelligence!


Wisdom is how well you understand the world and know how to do things well. Wisdom is not innate, and can only be obtained through education, learning, and experiences. 


How to be more wise or intelligent? 


Firstly, you have to learn. Knowing the best way to learn is critical for a wise life. 


Education and lifelong learning are the most important ways for learning.


In fact, only 20% of your knowledge comes from formal education, while 80% of the knowledge comes from lifelong learning.


With the power of knowledge, you can enjoy a more satisfying and fulfilling life!


Live a Wise Life

Best Wisdom Solutions

How to live a happy life?

Fun and happiness are represented by the colour of red. It means heart, fire and enjoyment!


We are pursuing happiness all the time. 


We can feel happy because of happy hormones in our body. 


Happiness is mostly long-term positive emotions, life satisfactions, and well-being.


How to achieve the ultimate happiness, which means a happy, satisfying, and purposeful life?


One, You need to have a purpose for life.

Two, You need to live a balanced life.

Three, You need to prevent problems in life from happening, or solve the problems as soon as possible.


Only 20% of people in the US and Canada feel very happy.


Live a Happy Life

Best Happiness Solutions

Happy Sparklers
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