We are living in a complex world.
We have too much information and distractions, too much stress.
To live a simple and high quality life is challenging.
However, if you understand the essence of life, it’s basically just 4 essential aspects:
Your health, your money, your learning, and your happiness.
There are lots of synergies between these 4 aspects of life.
To live a simple yet high quality life, you need to take consideration of all these 4 aspects.
There are some simple activities that can truly help you succeed.
1.Order healthy and delicious meals everyday.
Making food at home is time consuming, and it’s very difficult to make balanced and nutritious meals.
Going outside for meals is costly and unhealthy.
The only easy and viable way is to oder healthy meals from reliable food delivery services.
It can save time and money, and you can enjoy delicious and nutritious meals without any efforts.
2.Going out for Geocaching several times per week.
Walking is the easiest way for exercise. However, it can be boring.
Geocaching is a great outdoor treasure hunting game that can help you exercise in a very interesting way.
Also, those geocaches are always located close to the nature, like a trail or a park, which is a perfect environment for better health.
3.Practice meditation with music 30 minutes per day.
Meditation is very easy yet very effective for better physical and mental health, less stress, more energy, and long-term happiness.
Listening to good meditation music has similar benefits, and can improve the effectiveness of meditation.
Meditation plus music is the best way for healthy and happy life.
4.Deposit fixed amount of money from your pay cheque and invest in an ETF tracking S&P 500 index, in your tax-free investment account.
S&P 500 index beats all other index in countries other than the US, and beats more than 90% of active fund managers easily.
Actually, it can be considered a semi-active fund, because good stocks are added to the index and bad stocks are excluded from the index in a very strategic way.
There is a pattern for S&P 500, during bear market, it can crash 50%. However, during bull market, it can fully recover, then go up at least an extra 100%.
So, you should try to invest in the S&P 500 index for at least 30 years, which ensures you to experience at least two bull markets.
During bear markets, the index may crash more than 50%, then you can add more, and wait for the market to recover, then double from there.
This strategy makes investing very simple, automatic, and stress-free.
5.Find the best ways to do everything.
There are many different ways to do our daily tasks, like learning a subject, parenting, house cleaning, etc.
There are always the best ways to do those tasks.
If you know the best ways, it can save you money, time, and energy.
The difference between the best ways and the mediocre ways can be huge, which can make life either very simple or quite complicated and stressful.
However, you can’t find the best ways by using search engines, or AI, or other traditional ways.
Blue Eden Project is trying to find all the best ways to make life easier, and integrate all the best solutions and great ideas into the Tree of Life.
Visit the Tree of Life, watch our videos, and share your great ideas about life.
Join Blue Eden Project, achieve a better life and build a better world!