We all need a healthy life (health), a financial worry-free life (wealth), a wise life (wisdom) and a happy life (fun). But our time is limited. Let's think of what are the best activities that can synergize some of the areas. For example, meditation is a synergy of health and wisdom, playing team sports is a synergy of health and fun, playing board games is a synergy of wisdom and fun. Yoga teacher job is a synergy of wealth and health, advisor job is a synergy of wealth and wisdom, and pro-traveller job is a synergy of wealth and fun.
Let's think creatively about the activities that can best synergize different aspects of life.
Trying to show ethical behavior in our daily life can be a great synergy between different aspects. For example, forgiveness is a unique synergy of mental health and wisdom, or trying to make others happy is a real example of the synergy of health, wisdom, and fun. According to the ancient Greek thinkers, the purpose of life is rational pleasures.
If we try to make the world a better place to live for all creatures, each of our attempts to reach this goal is a sample of synergy between all wealth, health, wisdom, and fun aspects.